Como agregar Leer Más a Blogger

tep 1:
Login to Blogger
Go to Design and Select Edit HTML Tab
Then Click Expand Widget Templates
Step 2:
Now Find [CTRL+F] this code

Como agregar un widget solo a una pagina en específica en Blogger

When you add a widget to your blog, by default the widget would appear on all pages like homepage, index, archive, post and static pages.But most of the Bloggers want to know how to show widgets only in the Home Page or in Specific Pages only, the coding is so simple.
Show Widgets Only in Home Page or in Specific Page

Como agregar celdas de contacto

Whether you have a personal or a commercial blog, one of the important pages which must be present on every blog is a "Contact Me" page. you must add a contact us form on your blog, to let people connecting you, and to build nice and fine relationship between you and your blogger.
Check out the live demo of this form," Demo Page Click Here "
Email Me Form is a free online form generator service that helps you create HTML forms for your website, with no programming required. Read this post to create a professional "Contact Me" Form like the below image.

Agrega un Favicon a tu Blogger

A "Favicon" or "Favorite Icon" is a small image that is shown inside the browser's location bar and bookmark menu when your site is called up. It is a good way to brand your site and increase it's prominence in your visitor's bookmark menu.

 can be in any format such as PNG, GIF, JPG etc. But most of the people use 16*16 pixel and 32*32 pixel favicon with ".ico" format. you cannot only make static faviconsbut you can also make animated favicons for your blogger blogs.
The main advantage of creating and using favicon is ,it makes it easy to find your blog or site when someone favourited or bookmarked your site/blog among several blog/sites.
Step 1: choose your own icon.
First you will need to find nice logo, suitable to your blog.
Using the following online favicon generators you can create your own favicon.
Step 2: (OR ) Make your own favicon.
now you have to make your icon using your logo or any image and save it as any image format[ jpg, gif, png ].
Then upload it.
Step 3: Upload it.
After choosing your icon, upload the icon to the image hosting websites and then get direct link for that icon.
Step 4: Add a code to your blogger.
Log in to Blogger. Now go to "Design" and then click on "Edit HTML" tab.Then download the present template as a backup.
Then look for this code.
Just AFTER that code add these lines
<link href='DIRECT LINK OF IMAGE' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='DIRECT LINK OF IMAGE' rel='icon'/>
and replace the 'DIRECT LINK OF IMAGE' with the url of your icon file from Step 3.
Step 4: Now Save The Template.
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