Entradas Relacionadas, agregalas a Blogger

Un gadget muy útil para aumentar la cantidad de páginas vistas es añadir el gadget deentradas relacionadas con miniaturas (thumbnails) a BloggerAñadir el gadget de entradas relacionadas con miniaturas a Blogger es muy sencillo y configurable, lo puedes hacer en dos simples pasos: 


En diseño >> Edición HTML selecciona la casilla "Expandir plantillas de artilugios" y pega el siguiente código justo antes de </head> 


Ahora búsca la siguiente línea: <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> y pega justo debajo el siguiente código y guarda los cambios (si no está prueba con esta otra: <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>): 

<!-- Related Posts with Thumbnails Code Start--> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <div id='related-posts'> <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'> <b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'> </b:if> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + data:label.name + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels_thumbs&amp;max-results=6&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop> <script type='text/javascript'> var currentposturl=&quot;<data:post.url/>&quot;; var maxresults=5; var relatedpoststitle="Entradas relacionadas"; removeRelatedDuplicates_thumbs(); printRelatedLabels_thumbs(); </script> </div><div style='clear:both'/> </b:if> <!-- Related Posts with Thumbnails Code End-->

Para no recargar la portada del blog las entrdas relacionadas se ven sólo en las entradas individuales. 


* Si quieres cambiar el número de post relacionados busca la siguiente línea en el código: var maxresults=5 y remplaza 5 por el número de entradas que quieres mostrar. 

* Puedes modificar en donde dice var relatedpoststitle="Entradas relacionadas";/ cambiando "Entradas relacionadas" por el texto que tu quieras. 

* Tienes que tener etiquetas en tus entradas para que el gadget funcione. 

* El código JavaScript que hace que el gadget funcione es el siguiente, si quieres respaldarlo o subirlo a tu host lo puedes descargar desde aquí


25/7/11: Modificación del código para hacerlo compatible con más plantillas de Blogger. Si ya has probado el código y no te ha dado resultado te recomiento que lo intentes ahora con los nuevos cambio

Tomado de PcZeros (Link)

Los mejores sitios para descargar plantillas en 2007

  • Blogandweb. Muy buenos diseños creados a partir de plantillas gratuitas en CSS de la web Free CSS Templates y similares. Sin duda, es un trabajo que merece ser reconocido y premiado al menos con un enlace hacia su blog al instalar alguno de sus themes.
  • BloggerTemplates. Es un buen sitio con excelentes diseños, aunque algo escaso en cuanto a la cantidad de plantillas.
  • Blogger-Templates. Blog con bastantes themes clasificados en función de su estilo y codificación.
  • BlogSkins. Puedes ver las plantillas más votadas por los usuarios o el estilo del día en su página principal. Los diseños están disponibles para Blogger, Movable Type y Xanga.
  • BlogFlux Themes. Sección para descargar templates de este directorio de blogs.
  • Geckoandfly. Blog con multitud de diseños para Blogger con un estilo similar al de los themes disponibles para WordPress.
  • BlogMundi. Un blog fantástico con consejos para bloggers y multitud de utilidades que cuenta con algunos templates para Blogger magníficos.
  • TemplatePanic. Las plantillas de Blogger están clasificadas en función de su número de columnas en la barra de navegación derecha.
  • Psycho. Generador de plantillas para Blogger gratuito que te permitirá crear tu propio diseño en menos de 10 minutos.

25 Mejores Plantillas segun SloDive

When one start blogging, most use free platforms as a launchpad. This helps them in learning the knitty gritty of blogging and share their thoughts with world, without spending fortunes. After creating the account we want to personalize the blog as far as possible and choosing a Blogger Template is a part of the process.
Today we have listed latest Blogger Templates which look very professional yet are being provided free of cost. Every one whether one with a personal blog, or related to Business, Photography, News and Magazines, or related to art, you will find a Blogger Template matching to your needs.
If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on 110 Free WordPress ThemesAwesome Tumblr ThemesFlash Website Templates, andProfessional Website Templates.

Lampolis Magazine

Lampolis Magazine Is a Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are mainly black and grey.The Templates Features Include a top menu with social icons.An advanced jQuery featured posts slider.Ads sections in the header and sidebar.Special auto read more post summary’s.Four columns in the footer.
Lampolis Magazine - Vintage Blogger Template


Grey Blogger Template is minimalist blogger template, elegant theme background, 2 columns layout with right sidebar, gradient design for header, this theme have good design date and time make this theme looking good, professional design for personal blog and very suitable for personal blog.


Technologic is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, slideshow, twitter support, abstract, posts thumbnails and drop down menu. Excellent layout for blogs about electronics.

Being Dae Jang Geum

Being Dae Jang Geum Blogger Template is korea style blogger template, korea style template, korea style themes, gray color background, 2 columns layout with left sidebar very good for korea blog because all design on this themes related about cultural in korea and have professional design for background design themes.
Being Dae Jang Geum


NewsPublish is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, twitter support, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.


LibraryPro Blogger Template is brown blogger template, brown theme, brown color background, 2 columns layout with right sidebar, pattern images for background and header design, 3 column footer for make more widget and added some ads for make money, very suitable for personal blog because very fast at browser.


GameZine is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, grunge style and slideshow.

All Green

Minimalistic theme with eco green message.
All Green


This is a professional template for gallery blogs with a 4 columns, search box ready, top menu bar, social icons.

WhiteMagic Blogger Template

WhiteMagic is free blogger template for Blogspot. It’s looking great for photoblog, portfolio, gallery blog. With white color, it look more simple.
WhiteMagic Blogger Template

Red Blog

A vibrant red template for all your energetic posts.
Red Blog


Color-o-Ring light-color Blogger template that you will like to much. Features: 2 columns, right sidebar, vectors, top menu, custom search box, RSS button.


Wallbase Is a Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are black and mainly black.The Templates Features Include a full screen background slide show.Website style home page and blog section.

Notepad Chaos

Notepad Chaos is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, floral motifs and vectorial elements. Excellent layout for blogs about art.
Notepad Chaos


Irresistible is a cool blogger template. Features: 2 columns, right sidebar, blue, dark, top menu links, search box, minimal, round corners


Darkness its a minimal Blogger template, with a black header, background and featured posts enabled. Great theme for tech blogs .

Green Scrapbook Diary

A fresh looking scrapbook template with its green color scheme.
Green Scrapbook Diary


BloggerTube is a free premium blogger template with 4 columns, right sidebar, gallery-styled, rounded corners, slideshow and posts thumbnails. Excellent layout for blogs about movie or music.

Future X

Future X Is a Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are mainly White, Black and Grey.The Templates Features Include a simple top navigation menu.A large auto scroll Featured Slide Show.A welcome or message section.Fixed read more auto post summary’s on the home page.
Future X


Aspire is an ancient three column blogger template with a brown color scheme.


This template has Social Bookmarking Links, Widgetized Menu and 6 Color Styles

Typography Blogger

Typography Blogger is a high quality Blogger template, thesis-like. Features: 3 columns, 2 right sidebars, light colors, top menu links, cool background and search box.
Typography Blogger

Go Business

Go Business Is a Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are mainly white and grey.The Templates Features Include a menu above the header.A Large welcome or information section below the header.Subscription and Bookmarking icons in the sidebar.
Go Business

Clean Blog

A minimalistic Clean blog
Clean Blog


Pizza Is a Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are mainly brown and white.The Templates Features Include pizza themed images.Simple design with menu bar and fixed width.
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